Sunday, March 27, 2011


A few things I'm grateful for:

1. A loving husband.
2. My family. We go to the Fair, we have Saturday morning breakfasts, we celebrate birthdays, we go to Boomers and decide never to return. love them all.
3. God's grace with this weekend's amazing weather.
4. Pastor David's sermons- always hits the spot.
5. Tall Soy Chai Teas. Hot or Iced. yum!
6. Friendships that I know will last a lifetime. <3
7. Sunday morning conversations with Elizabeth Calle. She cracks me up.
8. Healthy Babies!
9. My Sister. She is one of the few who get to hear the crazy/absurd comments I make on occasion. "No one is gonna vacuum my skirt" & "He's two babies taller than me"
10. My Brother's sense of style. Not gonna lie-he knows how to dress.


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