Saturday, January 29, 2011


is more than saying sorry {wishpers: im sorry}... thats from the movie Just Friends. I love it. No but I really wanted came on here to post about a section from a book i've been reading about forgiveness that i felt like sharing.

"...Think about what happens when you don't forgive. For me, rather than forgive and move on, I become preoccupied. I overanalyze the offense and, in turn, find that my thoughts are dominated by how I was hurt. That, in turn, creates a huge distraction in my daily routine. I remember once being so engrossed with unforgiveness that I had forgotten to make dinner. As the dinner hour came and went unnoticed by me, my kids said, "Hey, Mom are we still having dinner?" I was completely shut down because I hadn't taken the steps to forgive the person who had hurt me earlier that day. 
The writer of the book Hebrews says, " See to it that one one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many" (12:15) Being quick to forgive, then, prevents bitterness from keeping my heart captive to the wrong that's been done to me; what's more, it breaks the bondage of bitterness from being passed to the next generation." Chapter 15 of The Devil In Pew Number Seven

Sometimes I forget how important it is to forgive. We've been forgiven by God hundreds of times, and sometimes (to be honest) it isn't the same with me and others. So, I'm glad I read this.

ps. Please keep Pastor Rick in your prayers.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I've been seeing lots of neutrals this week! I love they're paired with other colors.. white, neons, and other neutrals.
Here are some links to this weeks neutral finds:

* Decor8 shows some creative ways to wrap holiday gifts, and then on using the same wrap for all year round gifts! Cute. I've definitely done this! It works well for men's gifts. Danny liked it!

* Oh, Mishka showed neutral attire when posting about blog sponsoring. If you're interested feel free to follow the link!

* Keiko Lynn is always inspiring me with her outfits. I know I can make new outfits of what I have, her blog guides me sometimes.

* EatDrinkChic out together a nice collection of lovely items. I'm pretty sure I want all of them.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011


For my packaging design course, our first project is to design the label of 4 wine bottles and a design for a box which will contain two of the 4 bottles. So far I love this class. Its always been something I've wanted to dabble in. My wine is cooking wine that works for drinking too. I think a lot of people don't like to drink cooking wine because... well it doesn't taste good. But I've been researching and most reviews say that you should cook with a wine that you'd most likely drink. Why would you make food with bad wine. So..I'm working off of that. If you're going to cook with wine... might as well enjoy a sip or serve it with your meal.  I'll show the package when its finished... for now.... here are some photos of bottles that aesthetically please the eye.

{Images via The Dieline and Lovely Package}

Monday, January 24, 2011

Dinner has been delicious.


Danny and have been married a little over a month. Its been awesome! (aside from his surgery. poor hubs!)  Along with being married I like cooking. If I knew more about it, I'm sure I'd probably change my major. I've been very brave in the kitchen as of late. I would normally ignore a recipe if one word in it was one I wouldn't recognize...but Danny has been helping me. He's much more experienced in the kitchen from working at the fire department. Its so great to have help! I feel like I can rule the kitchen, like an iron chef. I'll keep you all updated from time to time about my kitchen adventures. For now, here are some photos of meals we've been enjoying {split pea soup and turkey meatballs and whole wheat pasta}!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Baby on the brain

So A LOT of my friends are pregnant! Elienai, Tati, Lauren, Kristel..Vicky...Tiffany...everyone. It would seem there is something in the water...haha. People keep telling me to be careful that I might catch a pregnancy or something. I'm sure I'd like to be a mom one day but - I just got married so its gonna have to wait. In the meantime I can enjoy this time with them and offer my babysitting services! ;)I'm truly happy for all of them. Having a baby is huge accomplishment. I'm so proud and honored to be a part of this time in their lives.
Yesterday I posted about heading out to Elienai's baby shower. Elienai and Christian are one of my dearest friends. They are full of love and happiness. Its inspiring. The shower was beautiful. Her family put so much amazing-ness into this shower, you have no idea. She received tons of gifts, so I'm sure baby Eslie will enjoy all of that! Can't wait to meet this little girl!!

 * Enamarie, Elienai and I.

 * Amy and I.

 * Mailin and Glennis!

 * Elienai and Marcy

*Beautiful shoes!

 * Mom and Pop to be!

 * Enamarie, my cherished one.

 * Delicious cookies with the baby's name.

 * decor!

 * Excited friends!


Dear Whimsy!

My dear friend Tammie has a shop!
Her shop is darling and full of loveliness. If you know Tammie you know she has a knack for finding vintage beauties like no other. One of many reasons we're friends hehe.  Feel free to pass by her blog and show some love or pass by her shop and buy some love!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Baby Eslie

I'm off to a baby shower! My dear friends are being blessed with a baby- and I shall celebrate!
See the rest of their photos here

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

love these!

I'm pretty sure I love these. I was going thru this blog that I stumbled upon today and found these. I had them on my Christmas list, but they didn't make it this year. haha its ok. It wasn't priority. I'm always waiting for a sale to snag a pair. I shall continue to wait. These are def useful at school. Allows for a more private creative time in the lab. :)

Monday, January 17, 2011


I read a lot of blogs. Its no secret. haha. I noticed a lot of yellows out there this past week. I happen to love yellow as of late. I thought I'd go ahead and post some links with their images. Enjoy!

1. This one is ready to pop! So excited for her (though i've never met her..haha)

2. My friend Tammers always brightens my day with her creativity. 

3. I kinda sorta love this print..

4. This album is lovely. give it a listen (thanks Chanti!)

 *and this photo Danny took of me in San Francisco 

ps. Enamarie posted a blog about Danny and his recent ACL replacement surgery..  and I thought I'd update you. 
Danny is doing much better. He is being really good about exercising his knee and making a speedy recovery. The doctors are in love with him for being such a good patient. 

Saturday, January 15, 2011


I've made about 5 headbands... and I'm working on some more.

Image via { WeHeartIt }

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Nikki is getting married!

This past Saturday (the 8th) was my one of my best friend's bridal shower! Nikki and I have known one another since the third grade! Crazy! I love her with all my heart, and I'm so excited about her marriage. He's a great guy who is madly in love with her.
Her shower was beautiful! It was fun, relaxing and full of love. The groom, Kevin, showed up towards the end to play some games and open gifts. The game was about both of them answering questions about one another and seeing if they knew each other as well and they thought. Turns out ... they do. Every answer was correct! The images below off their answers were... "what is an ingredient you guys cook a lot with" (well something along those lines...not exactly how it was asked but whatever, you get what i'm saying)  & they both answered correctly! a Sprinkle/pinch of love, cute!
So happy for you Nikki, can't wait for the big day!

**this baby is sooo good. Its the only reason she was invited to the shower ;) love you Luna Mia!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

a Little bit from New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve morning comes and we still have nothing to do... so we decide to throw an impromptu party! We cleaned up our place and decorated as best we could, with the resources we had. I think it all turned out pretty cute if you ask me. A few friends and family came over for appetizers, fun and fireworks ( from The Keys-which means you KNOW they were good.)
Enjoy the pics!

This is my lovely set-up!

the hosts, us!

This is me..rocking a love, Taza headband!

This is my Mom! She's a wonderful person. 

Our dining/living room area in party mode.

My little sister, Enamarie and I!

 Tati and Amy.

My wonderful brother Bryan!

David and Becca! They're our neighbors, so glad they got to come out on such short notice.

Amy and her beau Kenny! She's pretty fabulous.

Fireworks time!

Happy New Year (belated..again) haha