Monday, February 28, 2011

monday's find...

Here's quick link to some posters I found! They're by Laz Marquez. The Birds one was made with  silkscreening! I constantly search Silkscreening prints. Glad I ran into this one!

mondays=school, school, school.

I'm currently in the middle of class and needed a moment to blog. I've been doing work all day. I have a few projects that are due quite crunch time is here. I have a Highschool Violence poster due next Monday. Crazy. This project slipped my mind completely. Good thing I have some time to hit it hard! Your Mama's Wine is due in about 2 weeks. I still have a lot of work to do on it. All 4 bottles, the box and all the copy (text). I hope I'll get the prototypes done tonight. ::crosses fingers:: Wish me luck peeps!

{image via Lovely Sationery

Saturday, February 26, 2011


I started writing a blog post on Thursday...and that didn't work out. Blogger wasn't accepting my photos...and my photoshop was being a brat. I saved a draft of my post...but have chosen not to post it. I'm over it. Once I write about something I'm finished with it...well sometimes...but this time I'm finished. So, on to better things. :) This weekend has been amazing. I finished my prints for Screen Printing class on Thursday (ALL DAY) with the help of a friend. This made the weekend much more relaxing. I get to narrow down new ideas and NOT stress about going to the printmaking lab during the weekend. woo!

I also found some time to hang out with the hubs. We went on a date to the Meat Market on Lincoln Road Friday night. A guest at our wedding gave us a gift certificate to this restaurant. That was an awesome gift. We used it after the wedding- to have a night out-just us two. We loved it. The food was delicious and so filling. I was completely satisfied and no longer able to withstand another bite. All that food made us so sleepy. haha-that..or we're just getting old (embarrassing).

Saturday, we had traditional family breakfast at my cousin's home. She and my sister made DELICIOUS food. Omelets, brown rice-wheat-something pancakes, fruit'm getting hungry all over again. {note: i love breakfast. I could have breakfast at all meal times of the day}Then we went to Dia's house and met up with some friends to hit up the Coconut Grove dog chow park with Brusky, Pepper, and Ace. I'm pretty sure I've fallen in love with Brusky. For those unaware: we're dog sitting him and have been given the option of possibly adopting him. He is such a good dog, and a huge responsibility- which I am ok with. We're still deciding/praying whether or not its the best thing right now. I'll keep you updated with what our decision will be.

Tomorrow-Church. Short nap. Eslie's bow party. Organizing next week's plans (with the help of my handy-dandy Listography planner!)

*on a more personal note: please keep Danny and I in your prayers. I won't say much I guess this would be considered an "unspoken"...which I know I've been against in the past, but this is an exception. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Under $10

I love Urban Outfitters. Love. If you know me... you know that I usually purchase from there when there is a SALE. Sometimes [most of the time..] I'm broke. So if I can find an item i love for cheap then its most likely that it'll be mine at the moment of its discovery. But--these particular finds will have to wait. I've made a promise to not buy anything [not school related at least] until a few goals are accomplished. :)
So..I'll share the items with you guys in case you want to buy them. All under $9.99!

* Sherpa Hiker Slipper ( THEY DON'T HAVE MY SIZE. MEH )

* No Regrets Tee ( RANDOM: I LIKE TIGERS )


ps. A verse I read last night that I wanted to share...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

what have you read?

I went to check on Chanti's blog (as per usual..) and found that she had posted a list of 100 books she plans on reading in her lifetime. If you know Chanti, you know she loves books. A cup of tea/coffee, and book can make her day. I love her for that!
I think I've only read about 4 books on that list. I need to expand my selection.
Go check out her blog and see how many books you've read! Don't forget to leave a comment with your results!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Recap & Happy Valentine's Day!

I almost accomplished everything on my to do list this weekend. I finished my Earth, Wind, Water, Fire project. It took forever and I was about to give up. Danny and I hosted our first Traditional Family Breakfast at our home! It was awesome. I love having family around.

Danny fixed my car! He changed the starter. What a handy man. That's one of the reasons i love him so. ANDDDD we celebrated Francisco's birthday at lunch yesterday after church! The only thing missing was visiting Baby Zoë! I wanted to finish my project first and that didn't happen. boo. But I've seen photos of her and she is beautiful! Can't wait to hold her!

On a loving note: Happy Valentine's Day! Hope your day is filled with LOVE!

check out the little note i left for Danny this morning on our chalkboard! Gotta love type. haha

Friday, February 11, 2011

this weekend I'm....

1. Finishing my Earth, Wind, Fire ,Water project
2. Hosting our family's traditional Saturday breakfast
3. Having the hubs fix my car (needs a new starter)
4. Visit baby Zoë once she decides to come out!
5. Celebrating Francisco's birthday

What are you up to this weekend???

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Update on Danny's knee: He's doing great! His knee gets a bit swollen if he's on it for too long, but that's expected. His bandages and brace are off and he's been exercising to help his body heal better. Gotta say, he makes me proud. No one is as determined as him. No one. hehe! He'll be back at work soon enough.

This week I purchased two books,  Fingerprint and Creative, Inc.  I'm pretty excited about getting both of them in the mail! I usually purchase books on Amazon, because it ends up being cheaper then buying them at Barnes & Noble. I love the place, but if i can save a buck or two..i'll do it. Anyhoo... I've been finding that a lot of my assignments end up having a lot of my personal handmade touch in them, and learning more about improving this couldn't hurt...especially from a book like this. I skimmed though it last semester while searching for inspiration. My friend Tahtee introduced me to it. Sweet find! Since I plan on opening a new fawn shop with consistency-I was interested in the book Joy published a few months ago. I love her blog and love her stuff, so I'm pretty excited about this book too!

OH! and I just finished reading "The Devil In Pew Number Seven" which was great! That leaves me with two more books to read from my resolution's list! (these newly purchased books don't count!)
What book do you have your nose in?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

link lovin' good stuff

Here are a few items I've seen online that strike my fancy if you will.

1. This pink Leica I saw on Elsie's blog. It looks adorable, and I want it. Cool thanks. 

2. I just purchased this polish last week and its working beautifully. no chips yet!

3. Emmadime's hitch party dress. I love it. I want to wear dresses more often.

4. This has got to be the most adorable thing ever. Aside from puppies. Just sayin'. Go make one for someone special.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

so much to do.

Sorry I've lacked in the consistent posting. I've been trying to focus a little more on my projects. Sometimes I get so caught up blogging that I neglect what needs to be done. My projects are being done, don't get me wrong, but I want to put more into them. I need the wow factor for my work. I've redesigned my "Your Mama's Wine" logo for some time now. Its a logo for a wine packaging assignment. Its a drinking wine used for cooking. It will have recipes attached and such full of wit and sarcasm along with some mama's charm.
I can't tell you how many I've done already. This image just shows some of them. I can't find/make one that feels just right. I've designed them in black and white first...and then when its complete then I add color. Trouble is...I'm so used to seeing it in black and white that I can' imagine it in any color. I sometimes feel like I won't know when its finished...hopeless feeling. BUT- I know it'll get done. Its all part of the process. Here's a peek!

and here are some photos from WeHeartIt that have helped my creative process :)

**this one is for Kristel ;)

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I was looking through some pictures and I stumbled upon these from my Bachelorette Weekend! That trip was so much fun! I wanted to post some images from the Blue Bird Bake Shop, just to show some lovin'. They have the most delightful shop, and delicious cupcakes. yum!

**This is the future Mrs. B! :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


One of my goals for the new year was to dabble in calligraphy. I know I can do it. I've been doodling letterforms that I've seen online just to get the flow of the letters and words. Here are some images that inspire me to get better.

1. Mr. Boddington's Studio When I was looking for wedding invite inspiration, I ordered a sample packet from them...and it was heavenly. They provided so many samples. loved it!

2. Nelly Script Flourish This is actually the font I purchased for our wedding invitations. I had to have it. Pottery Barn used this font on one of their display windows! I get excited whenever I see it in a public place. :)

3. Primele has lovely stamps! I want to get one with our address on it, since I'm kind of obsessed with postcards and sending them to friends for no reason. :)

4. Oh So Beautiful Paper I spotted these invites on their blog and they gave me the idea of the outside labeling for our wedding invites! I emailed them with questions and they quickly responded. They're legit!

I guess you can say our wedding sparked the need to explore calligraphy... it was fun! I still haven't taken photos of the invite because I'm looking up how to photograph them properly, and I haven't really made it a priority (forgive me). One day, one day. 

Oh here's a scan of my experimentation: