Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ultimate Frisbee

Happy Sunday everyone! Church was awesome today. I'm truly blessed by God with all the people I serve at church with. After church we usually go out to eat and then take part in CF Nap Time. haha Most of us wake up pretty early to be at the theater to set up for service, so a nap is def in order. After "the nap" we all agreed to meet up for some Ultimate Frisbee. It was a very competitive game! My team lost...i don't want to talk about it. All in all we had a great time!

* Albert, Mike and Manny

* Ralph
* Bryan
* lovely couple: Albert and Ashley

* Enamarie and Ashley

* Hilary and Jackie

* Manny, Ashley, Dayvid and Mike

* Nate

* Chris Wong

* Bryan and Mike

You should join us next time!


  1. We had a blast!! I love you!! You're so talented!! <3 had fun with ju today


  2. So cute! Love the post fren'! =)

  3. Que interesante!
