Friday, July 15, 2011

moving out.

So, we're moving.We short saled our apartment. It was the wisest thing for us. If we would've stayed there we'd probably never be able to afford a house. You see, we got our apartment when prices were really high, so now its worth LESS than HALF of what we originally paid. Crazy. So, now we're moving to my parents' house for 6 months until we can find something affordable in Downtown (hopefully) to rent. We're excited to save up for our house-to-be! Saving is great when you dream!
Its a little sad leaving..especially since I got soo used to living in our awesome apartment (we worked hard to make it awesome)! I know God has something amazing in store for us, so our trust rests in Him. We've had amazing support from our small group, friends and family! (join a small group!)
Just wanted to keep you all updated. Especially since I tweeted about it without detail. ;)

image source { WeHeartIt }

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