Thursday, November 24, 2011

Social Media

So, I recently got a Facebook account. I was always against it. I didn't want to become this crazy, gossip-y, snoop of a person that I knew could take over. I'm a girl. It happens. Anyhoo...I decided to do it. It would require discipline on my part i guess. (embarrassing) Its been a few months since then and I gotta say...I got this. I'm not on it wasting away my day or anything and I don't snoop like I thought I would. So yay for me. I figure I might as well get a tumblr too. lol I can collect lovely images (like pinterest). so yeah its a bit weird but whatevs I like it.


  1. YOULL GET USED TO TUMBLR TRUST ME. YOU WILL ABANDON PINTEREST AND LAV TUMBLR FOR EVER. (once you find more awesome tumblrs.takes time)

    lol just came to say i'm proud of you not becoming un monstro de chismosa

  2. haha thank you friend! you're a great friend. <3
