Tuesday, January 25, 2011


For my packaging design course, our first project is to design the label of 4 wine bottles and a design for a box which will contain two of the 4 bottles. So far I love this class. Its always been something I've wanted to dabble in. My wine is cooking wine that works for drinking too. I think a lot of people don't like to drink cooking wine because... well it doesn't taste good. But I've been researching and most reviews say that you should cook with a wine that you'd most likely drink. Why would you make food with bad wine. So..I'm working off of that. If you're going to cook with wine... might as well enjoy a sip or serve it with your meal.  I'll show the package when its finished... for now.... here are some photos of bottles that aesthetically please the eye.

{Images via The Dieline and Lovely Package}